Voice Search Market to Grow to +39% CAGR from 2019-2025

“Alexa, Please switch on the light!”

“Siri, how is the weather?”

“Cortana, Please play <Filename>!”

“Ok Google, Please call <Contact Name>!”

There is one thing common in these sentences! They are a part of Voice recognition system bounded successfully with Artificial Intelligence to:

1)        Understand the Command/Task Said by the user.
2)        Convert the speech into pre-defined syntax of queries.
3)        Find the most relevant responses from a humongous list of possibilities.
4)        Select the best fit response.
5)        Convert the Response back to speech (in the desired language).
6)        Say the response to the user.

Technological advancement has initiated a never ending race between tech giants to come up with luring ideas to maintain their customer base. In this race, they have exploited almost all technological possibilities to automate the system to the extent where a user can just say his desires and get the voice activated response!


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